




西班牙进出口统计数据,又称西班牙统计进出口数据,英文名称为Spain Import and Export Statistics Data, 或Spain Statistics Data,简称ESSD。进出口数据网可按产品的8位编码、6位编码、4位编码或2位编码(整章)搜索查询西班牙进出口统计数据(ESSD),也可按指定的进口来源国、出口目的国、口岸、贸易方式等搜索查询,每月更新。

西班牙进口统计数据包括ImpExp,8-digit HS Code, Product, Month, Quantity, CIF Value (€), UnitValue (€), OriginCountry, Entry Customs, Transport Method, DestinationProvince, ProcedenceCountry, Incoterm, Unit Type, Kg Net Weight, Freight (€),Fiscal AddressProvince, Admission Date, Identification, Declaration Type, ItemNumber, HS4,HS2, Year等信息;西班牙出口统计数据包括ImpExp,8-digitHS Code, Product, Month, Quantity, FOB Value (€), Unit Value (€),Destination Country,Departure Customs, Transport Method, Origin Province,Procedence Country,Transport Country, Incoterm, Unit Type, Kg Net Weight,Freight (€), ShippingDate, Identification, Fiscal Address Province, DeclarationType, Item Number,HS4, HS2, Year,等信息,点击如下链接,可搜索查询西班牙进出口统计数据(ESSD)样本:




西班牙进出口商名录,英文名称为Spain Importers andExporters,简称UAIE,来源于动态的西班牙海关数据,包括西班牙进出口企业的详细联系方式,如电子邮件、网址、地址、邮编、联系人、电话、传真等。您可根据贵司具体需求通过西班牙进出口商名录直接和西班牙进出口企业联系。




1) 明确需求,提交订单。请在我们网站上搜索数据样本(或发送邮件索取样本),明确公司需求后发送订单给我们,包括进口或出口、海关编码、数据期限等。您也可下载委托单(订单),填写或发送给我们;

2) 双方协商,签订协议。双方在服务内容、价格、服务方式、服务期限经协商达成一致后签订协议。请贵司根据协议条款办理汇款手续,汇款后请发送汇款底联;

3) 发送数据或开通账号。我们将在1个工作日内发送历史数据,或为贵司开通查询系统账号。贵司在未来每月月底接收上个月数据,或浏览下载数据及系统自动生成的各种报表、图表及报告。

 Name: España (Spain);Formal Name: Kingdom of Spain

 Location: Europe 

 Capital City: Madrid 

 Main Cities: Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza 

 Population: 39,214,000 

 Area: 504,780 km2 

 Currency: 1 euro = 100 cents 

 Languages: Spanish, Basque, Galician, Catalan 

 Religions: Roman Catholic 

 In fact, in the 16th and 17th centuries (under the Habsburgs), with itscolonies spread across the Americas and its navy dominating the oceans, theSpanish Empire literally became the first global superpower. At home it wasenjoying a so-called Golden Age.

Spainchose neutrality during World War II, and remained isolated from the outsideworld. After losing all of its African colonies, including Morocco, it began the tedious process ofeconomic and political liberalization, in an effort to catch up with the restof Europe.
