


哈萨克斯坦进出口数据,又称哈萨克斯坦进出口贸易数据。进出口数据网提供两种哈萨克斯坦进出口数据: 哈萨克斯坦海关进出口数据(KZCD)和哈萨克斯坦进出口贸易流向数据(KZTF)。进出口数据网是全球最大的哈萨克斯坦进出口数据提供商。


哈萨克斯坦海关进出口数据,又称哈萨克斯坦海关带企业进出口数据,哈萨克斯坦海关数据,英文名称KazakhstanCustoms Data, 英文简称KZCD。进出口数据网按产品的前6位海关编码提供自2000年以来的哈萨克斯坦海关进出口数据(KZCD)。

哈萨克斯坦海关进口数据(KZCD)含哈萨克斯坦本国进口企业和国外出口企业,包括进出口, 10位海关编码, 产品详细描述(哈萨克斯坦语,英文和中文),日期, 数量,金额,单价,进口来源国,国外出口企业,运输方式,哈萨克斯坦进口企业等,英文字段如下:ImpExp, 10-digitHS Code, Month, Kazakhstan Importer, Kazakhstan Importer EN, Origin Country, OriginCountry EN, Date, Foreign Exporter, Net Weight Kg, Statistical Value USD, PriceUSD, Gross Weight Kg, Customs Value, Currency Rate, Product, Product EN, ProductCN, Detailed Product Description, Detailed Product Description EN, DetailedProduct Description CN, Transport Type, Transport Type EN, Transport Code InsideCountry, Transport Type Inside Country, Destination Country, Destination CountryEN, Trading Country, Customs Regime, Tax Registration Number TRN, DTKDeclaration, Registration Number DT, Customs Regime Code, Declaration Code,THEN Declaration Code, THEN Declaration, Trading Country Code, DestinationCountry Code, Code mode of transport at the border, Quantity in additionalUnits of Measurement, Additional Units Code, Additional Units, Delivery TermsCode, Delivery Condition, Year。哈萨克斯坦海关进口数据揭示了哈萨克斯坦进口企业从全球各国企业进口的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在哈萨克斯坦乃至全球的进出口国际贸易业务。

哈萨克斯坦海关出口数据含哈萨克斯坦本国出口企业和国外进口企业,包括进出口, 10位海关编码产品详细描述(哈萨克斯坦语,英文和中文),日期, 数量,金额,单价,出口目的国,国外进口商,运输方式,哈萨克斯坦出口商等,英文字段如下:ImpExp,10-digitHS Code, Month, Kazakhstan Exporter, Kazakhstan Exporter EN, DestinationCountry, Destination Country EN, Date, Foreign Importer, Net Weight Kg,Statistical Value USD, Price USD, Gross Weight Kg, Customs Value, CurrencyRate, Product, Product EN, Product CN, Detailed Product Description, DetailedProduct Description EN, Detailed Product Description CN, Transport Type,Transport Type EN, Transport Type  Inside  Country, Transport CodeInside Country, Origin Country, Origin Country EN, Customs Regime, TaxRegistration Number TRN, DTK Declaration, Registration Number DT, CustomsRegime Code, Declaration Code, THEN Declaration Code, THEN Declaration, OriginCountry Code, Trading Country, Trading Country Code, Code mode of transport atthe border, Quantity in additional Units of Measurement, Additional Units Code,Additional Units, Delivery Terms Code, Delivery Condition, Year。哈萨克斯坦海关出口数据揭示了哈萨克斯坦出口企业出口到全球的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在哈萨克斯坦乃至全球的国际贸易业务。





1) 明确需求,提交订单。请在我们网站上搜索数据样本(或发送邮件索取样本),明确公司需求后发送订单给我们,包括进口或出口、前6位海关编码、数据期限等。您也可下载委托单(订单),填写或发送给我们;

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Name: Kazakhstan;(long form) Republic of Kazakhstan

Population 15,185,000

Capital City: Astana (305,000)

Currency: Tenge (KZT)

Languages: Kazakh (official), Russian (official)

Religions: Muslim (47%), Russian Orthodox 44%)

Land Areas: 1,049,155 sq miles (2,717,300 sq km)

Land Divisions: 14 provinces and 3 cities; provinces include: AlmatyOblysy, Aqmola Oblysy (Astana), Aqtobe Oblysy, Atyrau Oblysy, Batys QazaqstanOblysy (Oral), Mangghystau Oblysy (Aqtau), Ongtustik Qazaqstan Oblysy(Shymkent), Pavlodar Oblysy, Qaraghandy Oblysy, Qostanay Oblysy, QyzylordaOblysy, Shyghys Qazaqstan Oblysy (Oskemen), Soltustik Qazaqstan Oblysy(Petropavlovsk) and Zhambyl Oblysy (Taraz). Cities include: Almaty Qalasy,Bayqongyr Qalasy and Astana Qalasy

Kazakhstanis in both the northern and eastern hemispheres. Positioned in western Asia,the country is bordered by the Russian Federation,China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistanand Turkmenistan.

Sandwiched at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, Kazakhstan is the 9th largest country on theplanet, and (at one time) was the second largest republic in the former SovietUnion (U.S.S.R.);

After the collapse of the U,S.S.R., it gained independence in1991.
