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 Official Name: Republic of South Africa

 Population: 48,687,000 

 Capital City:Pretoria (pop. 1,985,997) 

 Cape Town (pop. 3,497,097) is thelegislative center, and Bloemfontein(pop. 369,568) is the judicial center. 

 Currency: Rand 

 Languages: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga,Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu - all (official) 

 Religions: Christian (68%), others 

 Land Area: 1,221,040 sq km (471,443 sq miles) 

 Land Divisions: 9 provinces including: Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng,KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North-West, Northern Cape and Western Cape 

 In 1961 South Africa became an independent republic, but to its greatdiscredit, the government continued its official policy of racial segregation.In 1990, after three decades of brutal racial policies and the oppression ofcivil rights, the South African government began dismantling theirdiscriminative laws and democratic elections were held in 1994. 

 The country’s first multiracial election in 1994 was won by NelsonMandela and African National Congress (ANC) party. Mandela retired in 1999 andThabo Mbeki, the deputy president, won the presidency in a landslide vote. 

 South Africa islocated at the southernmost region of Africa, with a long coastline thatstretches more than 2,500 km(1,553 mi) and along two oceans(the South Atlantic and the Indian). At 1,219,912 km2 (471,011 sq mi),South Africa is the 25th-largest country in theworld and is comparable in size to Colombia. Mafadi in the Drakensbergat 3,450 m (11,320 ft) is the highest peakin South Africa.Excluding the Prince Edward Islands,the country lies between latitudes 22° and 35°S, and longitudes 16° and 33°E.

 The interior of South Africais a vast, flat, and sparsely populated scrubland, the Karoo, which is driertowards the northwest along the Namib desert.In contrast, the eastern coastline is lush and well-watered, which produces aclimate similar to the tropics.

 To the north of Johannesburg,the altitude drops beyond the escarpment of the Highveld, and turns into thelower lying Bushveld, an area of mixed dry forest and an abundance of wildlife.East of the Highveld, beyond the eastern escarpment, the Lowveld stretchestowards the Indian Ocean. It has particularlyhigh temperatures, and is also the location of extended subtropicalagriculture.

 South Africa also hasone possession, the small sub-Antarctic archipelago of the Prince EdwardIslands, consisting of Marion Island(290 km2/110 sq mi) and Prince Edward Island (45 km2/17 sq mi) (not to be confused with theCanadian province of the same name).

 South Africahas a mixed economy with a high rate of poverty and low GDP per capita.Unemployment is high and South  Africa is ranked in the top 10 countries inthe world for income inequality,measured by the Gini coefficient. Unlike mostof the world's poor countries, South Africadoes not have a thriving informal economy; according to OECD estimates, only 15per cent of South African jobs are in the shadow economy, compared with aroundhalf in Brazil and India and nearly three-quarters in Indonesia. TheOECD attributes this difference to South Africa'swidespread welfare system.World Bank research shows that South Africa has one of the widest gaps betweenper capita GNP versus its Human Development Index ranking, with only Botswanashowing a larger gap.

 After 1994 government policy brought down inflation, stabilised publicfinances, and some foreign capital was attracted, however growth was stillsubpar.From 2004 onward economic growth picked up significantly; bothemployment and capital formation increased.

 South Africais a popular tourist destination, and a substantial amount of revenue comesfrom tourism.Illegal immigrants are involved in informal trading. Manyimmigrants to South Africacontinue to live in poor conditions, and the immigration policy has becomeincreasingly restrictive since 1994.

 Principal international trading partners of South Africa—besides other African countries—include Germany, the United States, China,Japan, the United Kingdom and Spain.
