




英国海关进出口数据,又称英国带企业海关进出口数据,英国海关数据,英文名称为UnitedKingdom Customs Data,简称GBCD。进出口数据网按前6位海关编码提供自2000年以来的英国海关进出口数据(GBCD)。

英国海关进口数据包括ImpExp, 8-digit HS Code,Product, Month, Company, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4, Postcode等字段,揭示了英国进口企业从全球各国进口的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在英国乃至全球的国际贸易业务。点击如下链接可搜索英国海关进口数据样本:



英国进出口统计数据,又称英国统计进出口数据,英文名称为United Kingdom Import and Export Statistics Data, 或United Kingdom Statistics Data,简称GBSD。进出口数据网可按产品的8位编码、6位编码、4位编码或2位编码(整章)搜索查询英国进出口统计数据(GBSD),也可按指定的进口来源国、出口目的国、口岸、贸易方式等搜索查询,每月更新。

英国进出口统计数据(GBSD)包括ImpExp,8-digit HS Code, Product Description, Month,Value US$, Net Weight, Unit Value US$,Partner countries, Regime, Value Euro €,Unit Value Euro €, SupplementaryQuantity, Reporting country, PaymentTerms,HS6, HS4, HS2, Year等信息,点击如下链接,可搜索查询英国进出口统计数据(GBSD)样本:




英国进出口贸易流向数据,又称英国贸易流向数据,英文名称为UnitedKingdom Trade Flow,简称GBTF,一般按产品的前6位海关编码查询搜索,也可按 8位编码、4位编码或2位编码(整章)搜索查询,每月更新。点击如下链接可免费搜索查询英国进出口贸易流向数据(GBTF)样本:




英国进出口商名录,英文名称为United Kingdom Importersand Exporters,简称GBIE,来源于动态的英国海关数据,包括英国进出口企业的详细联系方式,如电子邮件、网址、地址、邮编、联系人、电话、传真等。您可根据贵司具体需求通过英国进出口商名录直接和英国进出口企业联系。




1) 明确需求,提交订单。请在我们网站上搜索数据样本(或发送邮件索取样本),明确公司需求后发送订单给我们,包括进口或出口、海关编码、数据期限等。您也可下载委托单(订单),填写或发送给我们;

2) 双方协商,签订协议。双方在服务内容、价格、服务方式、服务期限经协商达成一致后签订协议。请贵司根据协议条款办理汇款手续,汇款后请发送汇款底联;

3) 发送数据或开通账号。我们将在1个工作日内发送历史数据,或为贵司开通查询系统账号。贵司在未来每月月底接收上个月数据,或浏览下载数据及系统自动生成的各种报表、图表及报告。

 Name:United Kingdom; Formal Name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland

 Location: Europe 

 Capital City: London 

 Main Cities: Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh,Cardiff, Belfast 

 Population: 60,943,912 

 Area: 244,880 km2 

 Currency: 1 pound sterling = 100 pence 

 Languages: English, Welsh, Scots, Scots Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, BritishSign Language (all official) 

 Religions: Protestant, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Judaism 

 The United Kingdom (UK) is arguably Europe's most influential country. Insimple terms, it's the union of the individual countries of England, Scotlandand Wales, collectivelycalled Great Britain(Europe's largest island) and the northeastern corner of Ireland - the constitutionally distinct regionof Northern Ireland.

 The United Kingdomis a constitutional monarchy. Its reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is alsothe Queen and Head of State of (15) other Commonwealth realms, including Australia, Canada,Jamaica and New Zealand.

 With deference to the Roman Empire, and 15th and early 16th century Spain, the British Empirewas the world's first superpower, with colonies and dependencies stretchingaround the globe. 

 It was the significant factor and strongest ingredient in the developmentof many English speaking countries, including the United States - its closest ally. 

 Despite the (global) decline of the British Empire, the United Kingdom remains a consequential force;it's the fifth largest economy in the world,and second largest in Europe.
