




哥伦比亚海关进出口数据,又称哥伦比亚海关带企业进出口数据,哥伦比亚海关数据,英文名称ColombiaCustoms Import and Export Data, 或ColombiaCustoms Data,英文简称COCD。进出口数据网按产品的前6位海关编码或者企业名称提供自2000年以来的哥伦比亚海关进出口数据(COCD)。

哥伦比亚海关进口数据含哥伦比亚进口企业和国外出口企业,包括进出口, 10位海关编码, 产品详细描述(西班牙语、英文、中文),日期, 数量,金额,单价,运输方式,口岸,进口来源国,哥伦比亚进口企业和国外出口企业等信息,英文字段如下:ImpExp,10-digit HS Code, Product, Month, Exporter, Exporter Country, Date, Quantity,CIF Value (US$), Unit Cif Value (US$), UnitFob Value (US$), Importer, ImporterAddress, Importer Phone, Importer City, Importer Department, Exporter Address,Exporter City, Exporter Email, Carrier, Origin Country, Customs City, TransportMethod, Municipality, Place of Entry, Customs Broker, Country of Purchase, UnitType, Insurance (US$), FOB Value(US$), Net Weight, Freight (US$), Quantity ofPackages, Gross Weight, Customs Value, Economic Activity, Import OperationType, Department of Destination, Other Expenses, Exchange Rate, Customs ValueTariff Base $, Invoice Date, Description, Flag, Package, City of Deposit,Address of Deposit, Deposit, Legal Representative Name, Type of DocumentINCOMEX, INCOMEX Office, Total Tariff Value US$, Value to be pay, Bank, BranchBank, Teller, Customs Declaration Number, Item, Agreement, Invoice Number,Number of Manifest, Legal Representative Document, Unique Key, Document NumberINCOMEX, Period License,Tariff Percent, VAT Percent, VAT Total Value, OthersPercent, Others Total Value, Fine Value, Importer_ID, Customs_Broker_ID, HS6,HS4, HS2, Product Spanish, Product Chinese, Year等。哥伦比亚海关进口数据揭示了哥伦比亚进口企业从全球各国企业进口的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在哥伦比亚乃至全球的进出口国际贸易业务。

哥伦比亚海关出口数据含哥伦比亚出口企业和国外进口企业,包括进出口,10位海关编码, 产品详细描述(西班牙语、英文、中文),日期, 重量,数量,金额,单价,运输方式,口岸,出口目的国,哥伦比亚出口企业和国外进口企业等信息,英文字段如下:ImpExp, 10-digi HS Code, Product,Month, Exporter, Exporter ID, Exporter Address, Date, Quantity, FOB Value(US$), Unit Value(US$), Unit Fob Value (US$), Importer, Importer Address,Customs Broker Name, Destination Country, Customs City, Customs of Boarding,Transport Method, Destination City, Department of Origin, Department ofPurchase, Unit, Net Weight, Gross Weight, Freight (US$), Insurance (US$), FOBPesos, Document Type, Export Modality, Export System, Vessel Flag, ShippingDate, INCOMEX Office, FOB in Country Currency, Added Value National US$, ValueOthers, Export Operation Type, Shipping Description, Data Description,Exportation code, Export Declaration Number, Document Number, Number of Article(DANE), Internal Number(DANE), Authorization Number, Customs Broker Number,NIT, Currency, HS6, HS4,HS2, Product Spanish, Product Chinese, Year等。哥伦比亚海关出口数据揭示了哥伦比亚出口企业出口到全球的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在哥伦比亚乃至全球的国际贸易业务。





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 Local Name: Colombia;Formal Name: Republic of Colombia

 Location: South America 

 Capital City: Bogotá 

 Main Cities: Medellín, Cali, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga 

 Population: 34,545,000 

 Area: 1,138,910 km2

 Currency: 1 Colombian peso = 100 centavos 

 Languages: Spanish, over 100 Indian dialects 

 Religions: Roman Catholic 

 In 1819, Simon Bolivar (a national hero) and his armies defeated theSpanish, and the independent Republic of Gran was formed; it included Colombia,Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela. 

 By the early 20th century, all of the original partners had withdrawnfrom the association, and in 1905, Colombia was finally on its own. 
