




智利海关进出口数据,又称智利海关带企业进出口数据,智利海关数据,英文名称ChileCustoms Import and Export Data, 或ChileCustoms Data,英文简称CLCD。进出口数据网按产品的前6位海关编码或者企业名称提供自2000年以来的智利海关进出口数据(CLCD)。

智利海关进口数据包括进出口, 8位海关编码, 产品详细描述(西班牙语、英文、中文),日期, 数量,金额,单价,重量,运输方式,口岸,进口来源国,进口商等信息,英文字段如下:ImpExp,8-digit HS Code, Product, Month, Importer, Date, Quantity, CIF Value US$, UnitValue CIF (US$), Origin Country, Custom City, Shipping Port, Delivery Port,Transport Method, Purchase Country, FOB Value US$, Unit Value FOB (US$), GrossWeight, Freight US$, Insurance US$, Quantity of Packages, Brand, Incoterm,Description, Package Type, Unit Type, Vessel Flag, Vessel Name, Free Zone,Payment Way, Tax %, Transport Document, Transport Document Date, Agreement,Variety, Central Bank, Commercial Bank, Total (Tax Incl),Shipment Load Type,Rut, Acceptance, Carrier, Carrier Flag, Carrier Rut, Billof Lading N°, Bill ofLading date, Operation Type, Regime, Currency, HS6, HS4,HS2, Product Spanish,Product Chniese, Year等。智利海关进口数据揭示了智利进口企业从全球各国企业进口的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在智利乃至全球的进出口国际贸易业务。

智利海关出口数据包括进出口, 8位海关编码, 产品详细描述(西班牙语、英文、中文),日期, 重量,数量,金额,单价,运输方式,口岸,出口目的国,出口商等信息,英文字段如下:ImpExp, 8-digit HS Code, Product,Month, Exporter, Exporter Code, Date, Quantity, FOB Value US$, Unit Value FOB(US$), Carrier, Destination Country, Customs City, Shipping Port, DeliveryPort, Transport Method, CIF Value US$, Unit Value CIF (US$), GrossWeight(Item),Gross Weight,Freight US$, Unit Type, Brand, Package Type, Carrier Flag, VesselFlag, Vessel Name, Quantity of Packages, Variety, Acceptance, Rut, HS6, HS4,HS2, Product Spanish, Product Chinese等。智利海关出口数据揭示了智利出口企业出口到全球的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在智利乃至全球的国际贸易业务。





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 Local Name: Chile;Formal Name: Republic of Chile

 Location: South America 

 Capital City: Santiago 

 Main Cities: Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, Concepción 

 Population: 14,026,000 

 Area: 756,950 km2 

 Currency: 1 Chilean peso = 100 centavos 

 Languages: Spanish 

 Religions: Roman Catholic 

 When the King of Spain was overthrown at the beginning of the 19thcentury, Chileans began to consider independence and self-government. 

 And speaking of freedom, Jose de San Martin, and Bernardo O'Higgins, andtheir up-start armies drove out the Spanish and achieved their independencefrom Spainin 1818. Bernardo O'Higgins would later become Chile's first president. 

Chile defeated Bolivia and Peruin a regional war (1879-1883) for the control of the Atacama Desert areas. During that war Chile gained more land to thenorth.
