


俄罗斯进出口数据,又称俄罗斯进出口贸易数据。进出口数据网提供3种俄罗斯进出口数据: 俄罗斯海关进出口数据(RUCD)、俄罗斯进出口贸易流向数据(RUTF)和俄罗斯进出口企业名录(RUIE)。


1)及时,更新快: 订单确定后半个工作日内即可发送数据或开通账号;数据样本可随时在我们网站搜索查询;客户发送的邮件能在10分钟内得到我们的回复;

2)准确,质量好: 数据记录真实完整。进出口数据网开发的俄罗斯海关进出口数据(带双方企业)质量最好,深受客户好评;

3)全面,字段多: 进出口数据网开发的俄罗斯进出口数据字段多达81列,信息量丰富。

4)可靠,实力强: 进出口数据网为俄罗斯进出口数据在中国和美国市场的总代理,进出口数据网已为全球数千家企业提供过俄罗斯进出口数据。


俄罗斯海关进出口数据,又称俄罗斯带双方企业海关进出口数据,俄罗斯海关数据,英文名称为Russia CustomsData,简称RUCD。进出口数据网按前6位海关编码提供自2000年以来的俄罗斯海关进出口数据(RUCD)。俄罗斯是全球“金砖四国”之一(其他为中国、印度和巴西)。俄罗斯海关数据来自俄罗斯海关官方数据和港口提单数据,是全球字段最多、最详尽的海关数据,多达81个字段。

俄罗斯海关进口数据含俄罗斯进口企业名称和对应的国外出口企业名称。俄罗斯海关进口数据包括进出口、10 位海关编码、产品描述、月份、登记日期、报关单号、净重、毛重、金额、出口商、进口商、生产商、商标、发货国、目的国、帐户标记、装卸地址、装卸数量、交货证书、银行编码、货物场地等字段,英文字段如下: ImpExp,10-digitHS Code, Actual Detailed Product, Actual Detailed Product English, ActualDetailed Product Chinese, Month, Russian Importer, Russian Importer English,Customs Registration Date, Foreign Exporter, Gross Weight Kilos, Net WeightKilos, Invoice Value, Cargo Customs Value in Roubles, Cargo Statistics Value inUS Dollars, Amount of Payment in US dollars, Amount of Payment in Russiaroubles, USD Per Kilo, Quantity of Container, Quantity of Cargo in SecondaryUnit of Measure, Trading Country, Origin Country, Departure Country, Manufacturer,Declaration Number, Cargo Release Date, Date for Applicable Exchange Rate,Number of Packages, Container Transport Record, Number of Items of Goods inGTD, Status, Cargo Number on GTD, Quota, Russian Importer Taxpayer Number,Importer Adddress, Contact Person English, Contact Person Russian, OfficialPosition, Phone No, Fax No, Email Address, URL, Bank Identification Code,Certificates Number, Trade Mark, Foreign Exporter City, Exporter Zip Code,Exporter Street, Exporter Province, Exporter Country, Russian Payer Name, PayerTaxpayer Number, Payer Address, Declarant Taxpayer Number, Declarant Name,Declarant Address, Customs Name, City Name, Address, Customs Phone, CustomsFax, Declarant, Phone Number, Position, Incoterms, Currency Contract Prices,Cargo Delivery Point, Railway Stations or Warehouse, Consignee's WarehouseCustoms Location, Name of Secondary Unit of Measure, Code of Customs Supervision,Fees Preferences, Customs Procedure Code, Type of Customs Declaration,Additional Code of Units, Customs Value Adjustment, Type of Information, Typeof Document, Year,揭示了俄罗斯进口企业从全球各国进口的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在俄罗斯乃至全球的国际贸易业务。

俄罗斯海关出口数据含俄罗斯出口企业名称和对应的国外进口企业名称。俄罗斯海关出口数据包括进出口、10 位海关编码、产品描述、月份、登记日期、报关单号、净重、毛重、金额、出口商、进口商、生产商、商标、发货国、目的国、帐户标记、装卸地址、装卸数量、交货证书、银行编码、货物场地等字段,英文字段如下: ImpExp,10-digitHS Code, Actual Detailed Product, Actual Detailed Product English,ActualDetailed Product Chinese, Month, Russian Exporter, Russian ExporterEnglish,Customs Registration Date, Foreign Importer, Gross Weight Kilos, NetWeightKilos, Invoice Value, Cargo Customs Value in Roubles, Cargo StatisticsValue inUS Dollars, Amount of Payment in US dollars, Amount of Payment inRussiaroubles, USD Per Kilo, Quantity of Container, Quantity of Cargo inSecondaryUnit of Measure, Trading Country, Origin Country, DepartureCountry,Manufacturer, Declaration Number, Cargo Release Date, Date forApplicableExchange Rate, Number of Packages, Container Transport Record, Numberof Itemsof Goods in GTD, Status, Cargo Number on GTD, Quota, Russian ExporterTaxpayerNumber, Exporter Adddress, Contact Person English, Contact PersonRussian,Official Position, Phone No, Fax No, Email Address, URL, BankIdentificationCode, Certificates Number, Trade Mark, Foreign Importer City,Importer ZipCode, Importer Street, Importer Province, Importer Country, RussianPayer Name,Payer Taxpayer Number, Payer Address, Declarant Taxpayer Number,DeclarantName, Declarant Address, Customs Name, City Name, Address, CustomsPhone,Customs Fax, Declarant, Phone Number, Position, Incoterms, CurrencyContractPrices, Cargo Delivery Point, Railway Stations or Warehouse,Consignee'sWarehouse Customs Location, Name of Secondary Unit of Measure, Codeof CustomsSupervision, Fees Preferences, Customs Procedure Code, Type ofCustomsDeclaration, Additional Code of Units, Customs Value Adjustment, TypeofInformation, Type of Document, Year,揭示了俄罗斯出口企业出口到全球各国的详细国际贸易活动,助您开拓、提升公司在俄罗斯乃至全球的国际贸易业务。





俄罗斯进出口贸易流向数据,又称俄罗斯贸易流向数据,英文名称为RussiaTrade Flow,简称RUTF,一般按产品的前6位海关编码查询搜索,也可按 8位编码、4位编码或2位编码(整章)搜索查询,每月更新。点击如下链接可免费搜索查询俄罗斯进出口贸易流向数据(RUTF)样本: 




俄罗斯进出口商名录,英文名称为Russia Importers andExporters,简称RUIE,来源于动态的俄罗斯海关数据,包括俄罗斯进出口企业的详细联系方式,如电子邮件、网址、地址、邮编、联系人、电话、传真等。您可根据贵司具体需求通过俄罗斯进出口商名录直接和俄罗斯进出口企业联系。




1) 明确需求,提交订单。请在我们网站上搜索数据样本(或发送邮件索取样本),明确公司需求后发送订单给我们,包括进口或出口、海关编码、数据期限等。您也可下载委托单(订单),填写或发送给我们;

2) 双方协商,签订协议。双方在服务内容、价格、服务方式、服务期限经协商达成一致后签订协议。请贵司根据协议条款办理汇款手续,汇款后请发送汇款底联;

3) 发送数据或开通账号。我们将在1个工作日内发送历史数据,或为贵司开通查询系统账号。贵司在未来每月月底接收上个月数据,或浏览下载数据及系统自动生成的各种报表、图表及报告。

 Name: Russia; (longform) Russian Federation  

 Land Areas:  6,592,769 sq miles (17,075,200 sq km), the world'slargest country

 Population: 143,420,300 

 Capital City: Moscow (10.9 million)

 Currency: Russian Ruble (RUR) 

 Languages: Russian, numerous minority dialects  

 Religions: Russian Orthodox, Muslim, other

 Russia is bordered by the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, a dozen seas, and 14countries, including Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Estonia, Finland, Georgia,Kazakhstan, North Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Norway, Poland,(Kaliningrad Oblast) and the Ukraine. 

 In 1991, the USSR(Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)dissolved, and when that union ended, Russia itself and its formerrepublics all became separate countries. 

Russia has over 1,000 major cities, with 16 having a metropopulation of more than one million. The most populated cities are Moscow, St. Petersburg,Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirskand Yekaterinburg. More than 75% of the entire Russian population live inEuropean Russia. 
